". . . But the past does not exist independently from the present. Indeed, the past is only past because there is a present, just as I can point to something over there only because I am here. But nothing is inherently over there or here. In that sense, the past has no content. The past -- or more accurately, pastness -- is a position. Thus, in no way can we identify the past as past." p. 15

". . . But we may want to keep in mind that deeds and words are not as distinguishable as often we presume. History does not belong only to its narrators, professional or amateur. While some of us debate what history is or was, others take it into their own hands." p. 153

Silencing the Past: Power and the Production of History (1995) by Michel-Rolph Trouillot

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Black People Save The Country!

      . . . . Black People save the country. Once again. 

Not only were they forced by violence to build this country, they have to save the country that over 400 years later continues its systemic and systematic abuse of them.  Over and over. 

Can we now have Stacy Abrams in charge of vaccine distribution and vaccination organization? Please? Actually let us have Stacy Abrams in charge of organizing everything!

There are Those who suggest Stacy Abrams should be given Winds of Winter to finish, as well as rewrite HBO's GOT. 🤣

BTW, wtf? Giuliani yelling about trial by single combat to decide this election? How trollee troll can he get!!!!! ðŸ¤£

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