We're starting revisions to The American Slave Coast manuscript via Skype. All the mentions in it of Bristol leap out of the text. One example: Beau Walker, Dubya's slave-trade forbearer, was a Bristol slave ship captain -- a particularly cruel one, by contemporary accounts. He came to an appropriately bloody and violent end, one created entirely out of his own character and behavior.
In the meantime I'm making ridiculous errors in England and Wales's history as I try to clue el V into some of it, from which he could perhaps pick good bits to include in his presentation (it's one way to say publicly that one appreciates and recognizes the honor it is to be invited to come to a place not one's own to speak in public). Medieval and Renaissance English and Welsh history are so very far away from my own areas of expertise. It's just that they are even further from his ... and I've always been very interested in those eras though never able to do any focused study -- it takes decades to master a period to point one might begin to acquire the expertise of an historian. Because these aren't our areas of specialty we don't have professional friends to call on either. So I've bolloxed up enormously Plantagenets, Tudors, the House of York, the House of Lancaster, Owen Glendower, Owen Tudor, The Wars of the Roses.
At least I can recognize I am getting things wrong, but I know I'm not noticing other things .... That's the only positive thing I can manage to say about this. It is beyond vexing to not know everything!
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