". . . But the past does not exist independently from the present. Indeed, the past is only past because there is a present, just as I can point to something over there only because I am here. But nothing is inherently over there or here. In that sense, the past has no content. The past -- or more accurately, pastness -- is a position. Thus, in no way can we identify the past as past." p. 15

". . . But we may want to keep in mind that deeds and words are not as distinguishable as often we presume. History does not belong only to its narrators, professional or amateur. While some of us debate what history is or was, others take it into their own hands." p. 153

Silencing the Past: Power and the Production of History (1995) by Michel-Rolph Trouillot

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Disappointed But Not Surprised

That Obama met my expectations and has chosen Mr. Belongs To The Credit Card Companies, Mr. Who Loves Surveillance On U.S. Citizens, Mr. Voted For The Iraq War & Appropriations Whatever Demanded By the Crime Syndicate Every Goddamned Time, Mr. The NeoCons Prayed To Be Obama's VP.


But Obama lost whatever little faith I'd dared put in him weeks ago already. As I said way back the differences between him and Hillary are miniscule, and make little difference. She's paid way more maybe by the medical insurance syndicates. He's in the pockets of the credit card syndicates. Both love suveillance on U.S. citz, and secrecy. Neither one would roll back the gutting of the Constitution. Neither of them give a damn about women's rights. They are just more polite about it than McCain and the other syndicates.

The only thing positive about this is how the announcement cut the useless, idiotic talking heads and other so-called expert syncophants out of the loop.

By the way, New Orleans is nearly empty of musicians. They are all on their way to Colorado, to play the great big expen$ive glitzy partie$ in A$pen and Vail. And then off to Minneapolis, to do the $ame for the rethug$. Never think a mu$ician is not a whore, so declare$ Vaquero, who is one too.


K. said...

Just think of it as getting paid to spread the word!

In our system, it's pretty much impossible for a politician to get very far without reaching an accommodation with the interests in his home state. I'm not the biggest Biden fan in the world -- he blew both the Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito hearings -- but he's not exactly Ted Stevens, either.

When it gets down to cutting nuts, who do you want making Supreme Court nominations? Barack Obama or John McCain?

Foxessa said...

None of the above.

I want to have what I want for a change, for the first time in my lifetime as a citizen and voter.

I want a new party that reflects my needs and the needs of most of us, not the Corporatists who have gutted the Constitution, destroyed the economy, sold the infrastrucre to the Chinese, Arabs, Indians and and Europeans, shifted all our jobs elsewhere, and pillaged the country of its worth. And made us pay for it as well.

Love, C.

Audrey said...

What I want, and the choice we have, well . . . But I"m not feeling that Obama and Biden are going to continue to ruin this country to the advantage of a select elite. And I do believe that at least Obama has the interest of the majority at heart. Call me naive, but I'm not in despair or even disappointed.

K. said...

I hear you, but see no credible alternative that will leave anything but Obama or McCain in the presidency. Ralph Nader's catastrophic (in many ways) 2000 candidacy doomed progressive third party efforts for at least 20 years.

Obama and McCain not two sides of the same coin, anyway. Nader claimed that about Bush and Gore and he was spectacularly wrong.

Obama says that "If I haven’t gotten combat troops out of Iraq, passed universal health care and created a new energy policy that speaks to our dependence on foreign oil and deals seriously with global warming, then we’ve missed the boat." This doesn't sound all that bad to me.

And who knows? Give him a substantial enough majority and he could pull it off. The last would actually be tougher than universal health care, as Democrats are itching to do that.