. . . .Realization when sitting down with tea for the daily AM online news cruise: I feel lighter now that I have voted, i.e. knowing I cast a vote that would be counted.
Over the entire period since the postponed so-called Dem primary, in which I have no way of knowing whether my ballot was counted or not – we never even heard an account of what happened in that primary, as NY is so late as not to matter since everybody else is seemingly in January of a primary year – I’ve been increasingly anxious about voting in this election on Nov. 3rd.
What was going to happen to handle voting in this novelcorona virus election, nationally and state, constantly changed. Even whether, at one point, there would be an election at all.
Shoggoths deliberately sabotaged the post office to essentially negate voting by mail,* the cops and armed terrorist who call themselves militias are everywhere, physically intimidating voters, burning ballot drop-off boxes, hiding mailed ballots, destroying them, and otherwise working very hard in every way to stop us voting, with the assistance and advice from Russia even! to halt the election entirely. And this was going on even before the 2016 election -- including destroying the USPS by rethugs increasingly starving it of funding.
And our mail-in ballots really did NOT arrive, and they really weren’t even processed, according to the BOE's ballot application request online tracker -- once we supposedly got one. The BOE made it increasingly difficult to get any information at all.
Suddenly, it was a cascade of so-called instruction and options, and early voting it was …. Then all the trouble as to whether one could vote in person, early or not, if one had applied for a mail in ballot, and yet never received it, or maybe decided to vote in person instead of mailing it in, because, you know, the sabotaged USPS. Then all the difficulty to vote for all of us, and particularly to those of us who cannot stand for very long due to damaged spine, etc., because the eagerness of people desirous and determined to vote, created the endless lines, again due to incompetent, lazy and voter suppression ambitions. Then what happened when I did vote -- machine malfunction.
But once I actually voted, and then el V voted, it was like a huge pressure had been excised from inside my head.
What this means, I figured out, was that U’d transferred all my terror and fear of what may or may not happen with the election itself, before and after, to ME VOTING. And now I’ve voted, I’m much calmer.
This has to be fairly universal, you think?
Americans Surge to Polls: ‘I’m Going to Vote Like My Life Depends on It’
Anxious but determined, Americans are pushing through challenges like the pandemic and long lines to cast their ballot. The country is on course to surpass 150 million votes for the first time.
Calmer, but still frightened and anxious, because, you know, of information such as Face Book is deliberately suppressing the Biden campaign ads, the ads the campaign has even paid for.
Yet, nearly everyone I know has an FB account that they insist cannot be done without despite the knowledge that a personal account, social or 'professional' on FB further supports and enables the corruption of this election and the maintenance of the fascist-shoggoth take-over.. FB cannot exist without those accounts to sell to all and sundry.
So, yes, I remain scared of what will happen, but I am calmer. For now.
* Further, of the many ways the USPS sabotage by rumptubtupshoggothinchief has hurt just our personal lives and those we know: some of the talent featured in POSTMAMBO)/CUBANola's NOLA Reconnect requested to be paid by mailed paper check, not a digital money transfer. They're still waiting for those checks, mailed three weeks ago.